About Elements

“Elements” are the new way to promote science.

After four years of organizing popular science events, collaboration with the media and following science development and progress in the region, Center for the Promotion of Science presents a new periodical to read and enjoy, but also enable you to explore creative ideas.

Starting from June 25, the Center for the Promotion of Science will publish bi-monthly 108 pages of Elements.

“Elements” are available.

Elements will be available on almost every stand in Republic of Serbia for 290 rsd. You can buy it in larger bookstores, InMedio shops, as well as in CPN Science Club. In this spirit of spreading knowledge, the Center and its partners provided extra 500 copies which will be given to the best among schoolchildren, students and postgraduates, who receive scholarships from the Ministry of Education, Science end Technological Development.

“Elements” are fully illustrated.

Developed based on the awarded popular science portal Elementarium, Elements magazine is visually impressive, designed according to modern aesthetic trends. Original illustrations by the local artists make this magazine extraordinary and unique in the region.

“Elements” are a place where the new talent is cherished.

With the idea to become the leading science journalists’ network in Serbia and this part of the world, the Elements gathered popular science authors and journalists who are already well-known writers and representatives of the media. But the Elements are also a place that

nourishes young talents. The quality and the reliability of the information we disseminate are re-viewed and verified by the leading science institutions in the Republic.

“Elements” are based on knowledge.

Although the focus of the magazine is on the new science research, development and achievements, the content is beautifully written, easy to understand and exciting. The concept is built on the idea that the stories from the world of science can be translated into the wider context, explained through our everyday surroundings and questions that inspire curiosity.

Elements are created for you to read and enjoy, but also serve as a new platform for life long learning and point to a certain different understanding of the world around us.