Eccerobot in Serbia

The unusual robot that copies humans intern structure, like the bones, muscles and tendons, has been a guest of the big robotics exhibition for two days [:] (more…)

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Ishiguro in Belgrade

Hiroshi Ishiguro from Japan and one of the most creative contemporary scientists in the world visited Belgrade as CPN’s guest.[:] (more…)

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Karel Capek’s R.U.R.

The Center for the Promotion of Science has published Karel Capek’s iconic “R.U.R” in honor of the “Days of the Future” [:] (more…)

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Catalogue Robots, published by the Center for the Promotion of Science for the national event Days of the Future, is available for only 150 rsd[:] (more…)

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Researcher’s Night 2012

Researcher's Night 2012, third in a row, enabled CPN to present some of the most advanced robots of today[:] (more…)

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Women in Science

During the event Days of the Future, CPN organized panel Women in Science [:] (more…)

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Science in Serbia

Porast broja žena u nauci, više magistara i doktora nauka, povećan broj naučnih istraživanja, neki su od rezultata ispitivanja o trendu naučnog razvoja u Srbiji tokom protekle decenije [:] (more…)

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Reconstructing Lab ship Argus

Slavni brod laboratorija, u nadležnosti CPN-a, u naredna dva meseca će biti osposobljen kako za istraživanja tako i za naučnopopularne akcije[:] (more…)

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Tribina o Higsovom bozonu

U prepunoj sali Galerije nauke i tehnike SANU-a, u organizaciji CPN-a održana tribina „Lov na Higsov bozon: Da li je otkrivena Božja čestica?“  [:] (more…)

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What Was Discovered In CERN?

04. jul 2012.[:] (more…)

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Rezultati Javnog poziva

Dodeljena sredstva projektima promocije i popularizacije nauke u 2012. godini[:] (more…)

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CPN u Smederevskoj Palanci

Jedan od najuspešnijih školskih festivala organizovan je 29. februara u Smederevskoj Palanci za 700 učenika[:] (more…)

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