Strategic integration of the scientific community and all stakeholders through partner networks, both in Serbia and abroad, with a view to increasing the quality of activities aimed at strengthening the cooperation between scientific research organizations, the Network of Regional and Vocational Training Centres, local governments, business sector and industry.
Promoting scientific research through support to socially responsible research, innovation and business, and increasing the visibility of the results of the local scientific community as well as aligning with the needs of local communities and society as a whole.

In cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, with a view to supporting the dissemination of knowledge about the EC’S programme Horizon 2020, a series of thematic lectures and debates called Horizon on Thursdays was successfully organized.
Primarily intended for scientific researchers, but also for the general public, these activities provide an opportunity for all stakeholders to actively participate in this EU-funded programme, the largest EU programme related to research and innovation funding until now.