RankBroj projektne prijaveNaziv projektaNosilac projektaProsečna ocenaOdobrena sredstva
12218Sacred Trees of Šumadija — Uncovering Hidden Gems of Serbia’s Botanical and Cultural LegacyInstitute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade4.673,498,973.00
22222Real-Time Monitoring and Molecular Characterization of Ambrosia Pollen Exposure through Citizen TrackingInstitute of Virology, Vaccines and Sera “Torlak”4.503,149,320.00
32234Citizen Science Investigation: Assessing Quality and Understanding Abundant Biodiversity of Urban Wetlands of Three Cities in Serbia (CSI:AQUA)Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" - National Institute for Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade4.503,147,202.00
42249TickTrack: The Tick App to Track, Prevent, ProtectScientific Veterinary Institute "Novi Sad"4.503,011,960.00
52272Women Netting for Domestic Seed Treasure Revival (NEST)Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje 4.503,145,113.00
62257Co-Creation of Knowledge: Patient Associations for Rare Diseases as Active Agents in Pursuing Sustainable Development in Public HealthFaculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade 4.503,130,000.00
72204AQUAPHONIA – Ecoacoustics and citizen science in freshwater biomonitoringFaculty of Biology, University of Belgrade 4.423,143,700.00
82255Bean & Beetle: Citizens Unveil Genetic DiversityInstitute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" - National Institute for Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade4.423,150,000.00
92241Bee is a key: Mapping and biomonitoring the population of wild pollinators across Serbia through a safe and non-invasive method Institute of Animal Husbandry Belgrade4.423,149,000.00
102237NATUre and RAdioactivity - Walk, Talk and LEarn (NATURALE)Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad 4.423,222,239.00
112221Joint research on air quality in our apartmentsMining and Metallurgy Institute Bor4.332,904,000.00
122279Citizen fish watch – a pilot study of citizen involvement in fish monitoring research at Ada Ciganlija (Belgrade, Serbia)Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade4.25
132200Health Dog-Health Me: Citizen science for zoonotic parasite surveillance (CITIZOO)Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" - National Institute for Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade4.25
142203ECO CREW - Empowering Communities for Recycling and Environmental Well-beingFaculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade4.25
152251Citizen Science: Overcoming Nutrition Challenges in Autistic ChildrenInstitute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" - National Institute for Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade4.17
162239Integrating Science and Citizen Communities for Bee ProtectionFaculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade 4.08
172223Determining the Presence of Heavy Metals in Bee Products Originating from Small-Scale Producers as an Indicator of Environmental Pollution in SerbiaScientific Veterinary Institute "Novi Sad" 4.08
182226VeRRItas - Viticulture and Enology for Responsible Research and Innovation in Technology and Agricultural SustainabilityFaculty of Biology, University of Belgrade 4.08
192265Employment of citizen science to examine the extent of the conflict between urban Hooded Crows (Corvus cornix) and people (CITI-CROW)Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade 4.00
202260Circular transformation of the textile industry in Serbia through the implementation of extended producer responsibility and citizen science (CLOSET)Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad4.00
212243SUSTAIN: Science and Citizens United in Circular Innovations for Postharvest Agricultural Technology and Edible CoatingsFaculty of Technology Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad4.00
222278Preserving the specificities of the Serbian language: developing resources for a large language model that uses the southern Serbian dialectFaculty of Education of the University of Niš3.92
232262Honey Integrity and Value Enhancement (HIVE): A Citizen-Driven Investigation of Honey Quality and Sustainable Beekeeping Practices.Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš3.92
242258Autism Treatment Family Navigator: Empowering Evidence-Based Decisions (ATFN-ED)FASPER, University of Belgrade3.92
252254PestPatrol – Safeguarding Crops from Tenacious AphidsFaculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš 3.83
262228ExoFish WatchInstitute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" - National Institute for Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade3.83
272277Beyond the Spray: Graffiti as a Cultural Commentary Institute for Serbian Language of SASA3.83
282261Transportation infrastructure for all – citizens looking for accessibility issues – (TRAIL)Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade3.75
292275Urban Hygiene and Sustainable Communities – Citizens’ radarFaculty of Geography, University of Belgrade3.75
302266Inclusive Tourism for All in Vrnjačka Banja (IncluBanja)Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, University of Kragujevac3.75
312208Citizens and scientists together for invasive mosquito species monitoring (MozziConnectSerbia)Scientific Veterinary Institute of Serbia3.75
322219A shortcut to home-made products - an opportunity for survival and development of rural SerbiaFaculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad3.67
332216Cohabitating with the invasive Asian Ladybug: A Threat or a New Ecosystem Member?Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade3.67
342270Intercultural contact in early childhood - a foundation for participatory democracy.State University of Novi Pazar3.58
352202Serbian microbes – from mud to the starsInstitute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, University of Belgrade3.58
362247Waste – Nature Guardian (WNG)Institute for Technology of Nuclear and Other Mineral Raw Materials, ITNMS3.58
372246Commodifying illness: Crowdfunding for Medical Expenses in Serbia (CURESerbia)Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade3.50
382283Raising Menopause Awareness in the WorkplaceFaculty for Media and Communications3.50
392263AllSkySerbiaAstronomical Observatory of Belgrade3.42
402274Consumer Protection Strategy - Food Allergen App (FAARP)Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology3.25
412227Benzodiazepine Use and Abuse in Serbia: A Citizen Science Approach to Mental Health"Vinča" Institute of Nuclear Sciences - National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade3.25
422280Enhancing CBRN Awareness and Preparedness through gamification strategies"Vinča" Institute of Nuclear Sciences - National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade3.25
432245Species-specific carbon storage capacity as a strategy for implementing Green agenda in Serbia (SeeYourTree)Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" - National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade3.17
442273Kragujevac in children's playFaculty of Engineering Sciences, University of Kragujevac3.17
452271Green transition in urban communities - youth eco-initiative for waste reuse and circularity - UrbanCircleFaculty of Technology Novi Sad3.17
462252Donkey’s Research on Ecosystem of Active Microbiota (acronym: DREAM)University Union Nikola Tesla3.17
472229MOBILE CENTER FOR CREATIVE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEFaculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade3.17
482282Vibracije – Zdravlju Negacije (Vibrations – Health negations)Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade3.08
492276Teaching and Addressing Challenges in Technical, Informatics and Computing education in Serbia (TACTICS)Faculty of Education in Vranje, University in Niš3.08
502267Transformative Experience of Inmates: Reconstructing Tourism in Non-Touristic Environment of Penal InstitutionsFaculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, University of Kragujevac3.00
512264Let’s dress sustainablyInstitute of Social Sciences3.00
522211A sustainable community with centuries-old mining and metallurgical productionUniversity of Economics Academy in Novi Sad - Faculty of Social Sciences in Belgrade2.92
532268GreenCalorCap: Citizen Science for Caloric Assessment and Supercapacitor Investigation of Carbonized BiowasteFaculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade2.92
542284The Role of Citizens in Recycling Waste Industrial and Edible Oils for Sustainable DevelopmentTechnical faculty "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin, University of Novi Sad2.92
552217E-cultural heritage of Kosovo and Metohija - CODETeacher education Faculty, University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica2.92
562244Hot Pepper Laser Treated Seeds for Better Yield and Organoleptic Properties - HotPLINEInsttute of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade2.83
572230Application of international standards in local communities as the basis of sustainable developmentFaculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade2.75
582269Color your plate: Citizen science for healthier food colors and zero-waste solutionsFaculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade2.67
592250Increasing citizens’ awareness of seismic hazard in low active areas: The novel assessment based on study of karst caves on Miroč Mt. (seismoWARE)Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade2.50
602209Water for the Future: Connecting Water Treatment Technology and Community through Innovative Approaches of Novi Sad WaterworksFaculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad2.42
612259CIVIL ASTRO GEO-DATABASEFaculty of Geography, University of Belgrade2.42
622213EXPLORING YOUNG DRIVER BEHAVIOR AND ABILITIES THROUGH DIGITAL SCENARIOS (DIGIDRIVE)Faculty of technical sciences, University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica2.42
632253CARBON DIET - Development of the platform for tracking and optimizing personal environmental impactFaculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad2.33
642281Determining and raising the state of awareness of Serbian citizens regarding the handling of municipality waste"Vinča" Institute of Nuclear Sciences - National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade2.00

Centar za promociju nauke pod okriljem Ministarstva nauke, tehnološkog razvoja i inovacija raspisuje 2024. godine Javni poziv za finansiranje projekata građanskih naučnih istraživanja (GNI). 

Podnosilac prijave i nosilac projekta može biti istraživač koji je zaposlen u naučnoistraživačkoj organizaciji registrovanoj na području Republike Srbije.

Nosilac projekta je u obavezi da u realizaciju projekta aktivno uključi bar jednog aktera kao što je: lokalna samouprava, organizacije civilnog društva, naučna društva, predstavnici industrije i privrede, ustanove svih obrazovnih nivoa (škole i fakultete), naučne centre, naučne muzeje, biblioteke i sl.

Obavezno je uključenje građana u realizaciji projekta.

Ciljevi poziva su:

  • Snažnije povezivanje istraživača i građana u cilju iznalaženja odgovora na društvene izazove i ostvarenja zajedničkih ciljeva; 
  • Prepoznavanje uloge građana u naučnim istraživanjima i podsticanje njihovog aktivnog uključivanja u istraživačke procese; 
  • Inspirisanje inovativnih pristupa i ideja u naučnoistraživačkom radu; 
  • Isticanje društvenog uticaja građanskih naučnih istraživanja i njihov doprinos postizanju Ciljeva održivog razvoja.


Za više informacija možete poslati mejl na citizenscience@cpn.rs

Kalendar Javnog poziva za građanska naučna istraživanja

10. septembarRaspisivanje Javnog poziva za GNI
10. oktobarZatvaranje Javnog poziva za GNI
Do 29. novembraObjavljivanje preliminarne rang-liste
Od 29. novembra
do 6. decembra
Prigovori i odgovori na prigovore
do 13. decembraObjavljivanje rezultata Javnog poziva GNI i konačne rang–liste